How to build and use VeChain Thor in Microsoft Windows

3 min readJun 28, 2019


As I am a Windows user when it comes to my desktop, I always liked to use the software directly on it. When it comes to VeChain, there is no precompiled package for that. It once was part of the old Sync program but thats offline now and replaced by the new and way better Sync.

But I recently stumbled over a gist from libotony, one of the main developers of the VeChain Github. In this small guide he describes how to build the Windows Binaries. I will cover this in more detail for more convenient usage.

  • Get MSYS2 from the official website and follow the install instructions (for this guide, MSYS2 is going to be installed in “c:\msys64”). The installer is straight forward and should not give you any problems. For the most Windows Systems, the “msys2-x86_64-xxxxxx.exe” files should do it.
  • Start the MSYS2 shell. This can be a bit tricky if you are using Windows 10. On my machine, it did not show up in the start menu but you can always start if from it’s installation path “C:\msys64\mingw64.exe”
Path of msys2 64bit
  • Update the system environment inside of MSYS2 and install go.
pacman -Syu
pacman -S git make mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-go
Updating MSYS2
  • Restart MSYS2 Shell
  • Load the git package and compile it
git clone
cd thor
make dep
make clean
make all
Compile VeChain Thor for Windows
  • After that there will be the binary files in the location “C:\msys64\home\user\thor\bin”, but they will not have a file-extension. So just add “.exe” to them.
Compiled Windowsbinaries for VeChain Thor
  • For easier usage, create a command batch file “VeChain-Thor.cmd” and put in something like this:
TITLE VeChain Thor Mainnet
thor -network main — api-addr — p2p-port 11235 — data-dir C:\VeChain\mainnetDB


TITLE VeChain Thor SOLO Node
thor solo — api-addr — p2p-port 11235 — data-dir C:\VeChain\solo
  • Start the CMD-file and you have yourself a VeChain Thor Node running natively under Windows 10.
VeChain Thor running under Microsoft Windows 10




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